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Pink Gradient

Grow Your Business.
Make People Happy.

Do you own a small business in SW Florida and are interested in getting more loyal customers? We'd love for you to join us here at Sarasota-Deals! It's pretty painless and not-very-expensive! Give us a call or shoot us a message to find out more!

All the Stuff You Want to Know:

  • Cost of being part of this AWESOME COMMUNITY is WAY less than a cup of overpriced-coffee every day. Find the prices on the sign-up form below.

  • What you get: A web page set up just for you that showcases your business along with deals you are offering (up to 5 at any one time). 

  • How do people find this page? It will be listed on the Deals Directory page, which shows categories of businesses. You can be listed under up to 5 applicable categories. Your listing will also be linked to the Deals Page, which has your logo and a brief description of your business. Take a peek at some of the businesses now to see how that works.

  • There is no set up fee. However if you change your deals more than three per month, we reserve the right to charge you an additional fee.

  • We don't take a commission of your sales.

  • Customers pay you directly. 

  • It's a month-to-month deal, so no long term commitment. However, there is a discount for paying for 3, 6, or 12 months at a time.

  • RATE PROTECTION! When you sign up with the LOW Introductory Rates, you will never pay more than that as long as you don't cancel!

  • Break-up anytime. No refunds are given if you cancel.

  • Credit and debit cards accepted for payment.

  • You will be emailed or texted an  invoice via Square Payment Services from CASRE LLC. Once payment is received, we will get your listing up ASAP. Please be very careful to give us correct information on the form below regarding your deal. 

  • Read "The Fine Print" at the bottom of this page. It's important and not very complicated. 

Contact us to find out more! We're ready when you are!

Ready to Get Started? Fill out the form below.

Questions? Give us a call!


Let's Grow Your Business Together. We'll get back with you soon!

Blue to Cream Gradient

Read the Fine Print! 

A few important things to know:

  • We reserve the right to NOT accept your request to join this website.

  • Obviously, you are not allowed to offer anything illegal on this website. 

  • We reserve the right to CANCEL your participation on this website.

  • This website is NOT a forum for hate speech, politics, or anything that insults people or brings division to our community.

  • NO business will be granted an EXCLUSIVITY. (There CAN be multiple businesses represented in any category.)

  • Consumers Take Note: This website does NOT offer a way to rate businesses, leave comments or reviews about them, or resolve disputes with them. If you are a customer and have had a bad experience with a business, you are encouraged to contact them directly to resolve your issues. If you want to let us know about any concern you may have with one of the businesses so that we can evaluate whether they should be removed from this website, please use the link below to send an email. Again, we are NOT here to resolve disputes you have with any business. We also encourage you to tell us something GOOD about a Sarasota-Deals business you have worked with.

Our Working Hours 

Mon - Sunday

9:00 am – 6:00 pm

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